FAQ: Pet Pals Sensitive Skin Shampoo & Conditioner Bar

Do I need to use this bar with a conditioner?
Our bar has strong degreasing properties, so we recommend layering with a natural conditioner such as our Hydrating Hair Bar for dog breeds with dry skin.

Isn't the Hydrating Hair Bar only meant for humans?
We formulated the Hydrating Hair, Face & Body Bar with human-only usage in mind. Still, we discovered that our pet groomers began to use it to condition their dry-skin pet clients specifically for competitive Dog and Cat shows, as it brought out the shine and softness in their coats.

Can I use the other hair bars on my pets?
All our shampoo bars are naturally made, non-toxic and full of nourishing Australian oils, so don't pose any risk. As they are formulated differently, however, we recommend a patch test on your pet to check first, as every breed and animal is different. We suggest always starting with our Pet Pals bar, which was specifically formulated for pets.

Help! My dog keeps eating the lather! Why is that?
Our bars are made from a solid base of Australian Oatmeal and Chamomile. Animals have a natural instinct to know what is natural and mostly safe for them to ingest, and many dog owners have told us that their pets love eating the lather because it tastes yummy. While we don't suggest letting them eat large amounts of it, a lick or two during bathtime should be fine. Ultimately, the lather is meant to cleanse, so watching your pet during bathtime is essential.

How many animals do you shelter in Vietnam?
A LOT. We currently have over 200+ animals staying at our partner shelter, rescued from the streets, neglect and abuse, or wildlife trafficking. Learn more here.

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